Banner Adverts specifications
for your Websites, BPM Kiosks and Apps.
All Banner Adverts must be either Animated .gif files or
.jpeg files and in the following size specifications:
Standard Banner: 468 x 120 (Pixels)
This would appear on Websites and BPM Kiosks.
Standard Badge: 234 x 60 (Pixels)
This would appear on Websites, BPM Kiosks and Apps.
Standard Tower: 234 x 600 (Pixels)
This would appear on Websites and Apps.
Kiosk Screensaver Image: 1280 x 960 (Pixels)
This would appear as a full screen image when the BPM Kiosk is idle.
If the image is an Animated .gif then the animation length should be 10 seconds.
Billboard Image: 1390 x 600 (Pixels)
This would appear on the Home Screen of your website.