Happy New Year to you all! In this email:
Hiding Unavailable Items on the Home Page Media Mail 🙈 A feature request that we have been getting lately is to be able to hide items on the home page (featured preorders and featured items) that are not in stock or blocked. That way customers don't click on a record only to find that it's unavailable and then get discouraged. Often, a different format may be available so our default is to still show them. However, if you wish, you may now check a box in section for "Store Featured Items" at the top that says "Filter Items' Visibility by Availability" Then only available item will showing on your home page, and /Preorders and /StoreFeatures. Hope this is super helpful.
__________________________________________________ INTRODUCING: TWO MINUTE TUTORIAL 🍎 Befor Unarchiving Media Mail 📮 Before the holidays, we talked about the importance of disabling Media Mail shipping option while NOT DELETING it. If you recall, we added a feature last month to "ARCHIVE" a shipping option in order to disable it, which we hope you all found very useful.
________________________________________________ New Feature Reminder: COUPON CODES 💸 Enabling coupon codes have been a long-requested feature that we are very excited to now make available to you. For now, we have some basic coupon code tools to get you started. I'm sure folks will have plenty of enhancement ideas for the future. For today, you may create a code to share with your customers, set a minimum cart value to allow it, set a date range, then offer a % or $ discount on orders with the code. You may also make the code valid between certain dates. The feature is located at the bottom of the top section of your admin. Please check it out, use it and share your feedback. NOTE: We fixed a few bugs relating to submitting orders to AEC with codes, and making sure they work with Media Mail. ADMIN VIEW USER VIEW __________________________________________________ NAV LOCATION
![]() ________________________________________________ SOCIAL CONTENT SHARING ASSETS Currently Available 📱
Remember, to add a tag for the artist and hashtag the album with your text posting for the best visibility... we have now added text and hashtags you may use.
Labels and Artists appreciate this coverage plus we have seen it really drives sales on your website.
Don't forget, these assets are now easily available with one click from your Admin Home. At the top left of the screen just under your store's logo, you'll see a link for "Social Media Assets" alongside a link to the store manual. This link will take you directly to any assets we currently have available and give you easy access to download them for use on your channels.
Check them all out on your own site with site-specific links for you.
https:// [yourstore]/SocialFeatures (This is the link now provided at the top of your Admin Home) Please drop us a line and let us know if you have your own TikTok channel yet. We have a place for it in your Site Settings.
SOCIAL SQUAREDAMON ALBARN - THE NEARER THE FOUNTAIN, MORE PURE THE STREAM FLOWS 11-12 - CONTEST - SOCIAL FEEDLink: https://plan9music.com/Contest/5120 (change to your site)Download Photo For Sharing ![]() Social Sharing is a fantastic way to promote the latest release and other albums that you can share with your customers and engage in conversations through your store's social media channels.
Last week, we rolled out a feature allowing you to get social media sharing graphics and videos in one location on your site.
Here's a quick HOW TO guide on how to utilize these graphics From your computer (for Twitter/Facebook) 1. Access the assets via https://[your website]/SocialFeatures 2. Select the photo or video you'd like to share and save it to an easily accessible place on your computer (the "social square" is best for Twitter or Facebook) 3. Log into your social media accounts 4. Share the content with a link to the product page on your website
From your Mobile Device (for Instagram/Twitter/Facebook) 1. Access the assets via https://[your website]/SocialFeatures 2. Select the photo or video you'd like to share and save it to an easily accessible place on your computer (the "social square" can be used for posts on all three networks, the vertical "IG Story" video is best for Instagram/Facebook Stories or Twitter Fleets) 3. If you want to save a video on your mobile device, it will only let you save it to "files" 4. You'll then need to go move the video from "files" to your camera roll 5. Log into your social media accounts 6. Share the content to your Instagram/Facebook stories or Twitter Fleets ________________________________________________ Here's an updated list of Preorders we're currently blocking.
We know this information is critical for you and we are working through ideas to get these details to you regularly.
If for some reason you think you WILL get copies other than AEC to fill your orders you may choose to UNBLOCK for your store. However, we need to cut off our preorders submitted for Alliance as of today.
Currently blocked:
Don't forget for Alliance orders, if you want to fill through AEC either submit to be filled or mark Broadtime on your PO to your store.
Broadtime Manual + New Features
You may explore solutions at your convenience using the manual. Remember we are here for you for support at any time!
Please email any suggestions you have to continue to improve the Manual.
_______________________________________________________________ Previous Broadtime Store emails, which include valuable information and NEW FEATURES are available here: