BPM Listening Station

desktop BPM Tablet Kiosk Tablet

The Broadtime Preview Machine (BPM) is quite simply one of the most powerful and affordable Preview Solutions.  It empowers your customers to preview each title you have in the store with great ease and increases sales and customer loyalty.

By giving your customers access to an immense catalog of titles across all media, they can browse featured titles or simply scan the barcode of the physical product. They can also search the built in database to find desired titles to preview along with product information and the ability to buy digital items direct from the Kiosk.


The BPM,  is much more than a preview station

Fully customizable, the Kiosk is a valuable marketing tool for your store allowing you to create your own featured releases page such as your top sellers, Genre specific charts and any promotions you may have. 

Store News pages are a great way to spark interest in artists and new releases, include news items about your own store to promote upcoming events.

Create your own in store calendar for any events you may be having such as in store performances or signings. Help promote local events which will lead to interest in products you are selling.

Purchase digital downloads, watch related videos as well as preview Vinyl & CD's.

Email Sign up: encourage your customers to keep in contact via your own newsletter which will help to keep a regular interest in your store.


Key benefits

• Full Featured - Control your product marketing messages through many tools for customer sharing

• Affordability - Flexible system, creating the most affordable Preview Sampling System.

• Fully integrates your marketing programs

• Expandable platform – capable of upgrading features as technology and business strategies evolve with digital technology and delivery.

• Marketing feedback system – You can learn from your customers through surveys you create.

• Reduce labor required for marketing programs and searches and sampling.

Sell more Music and Movies! – proven to increase sales and generate traffic for your marketing programs.


Kiosk Overview





                                9.7” HD Touchscreen Tablet

                                Integrated camera Barcode scanner for item look up and sampling

                                Desk/Wall mount fixture included (Floor Stand option also available)


Fully customized screen interface features your own unique marketing promotions.

Screen design proudly featuring your store's logo.

Features YOUR exclusive content: Staff Reviews, Hot Sellers, Staff Picks, New Releases, Venue Information and Concert Calendar

Screen animations enhance the user experience.

Screen design is configured to feature your marketing campaigns.

Supports Video Previews for featured titles, as well as music videos and your store's DVD and BluRay promotions.


Broadtime enables Search, Scan and Browse capabilities for over 20 million song samples

New CD titles and audio samples added every week

Artist bios, Album reviews, and CD titles updated every week

Digital Audio Samples updated every day

Your personalized promotions updated real-time from your web input


One web tool for updating station content and to check usage reports

Integrate your preview machine with your website and email with one web tool using Tuneportals.

Operate customized surveys to learn more from your customers

Captures usage data for each preview machine and generates detailed monthly usage reports

Simple installation requires minimal employee time and training


Aggressively priced, Broadtime's platform means rapid return on investment and affordable multi-station installations.

Affordable Payment Options, Broadtime spreads costs over time, not just upfront.

Leverage your existing Investment with Broadtime


Full Tech support
