Happy Record Store Day countdown week everyone. Here is a little customer note to get you caught up on things. Please reach out to us with any questions.
In this Note:
1. Record Store Day / Logos
2. Record Store Day on the Listening Station
3. Broadtime Manual & Instructions Update
4. Music Biz 2016
1. Record Store Day & Logos
RSD is right around the corner and I know everyone is working very hard to procure and prepare for the big day. For our part, we are here to assist with the setup and with the marketing and promotional assistance.
Titles: We have created all the titles so they are in Tuneportals for you a few weeks ago. We have protected the inventory of all the titles so that they can't be pre-sold. We will release the block on Sunday night the 17th so you may sell leftover titles online starting Monday the 18th. If you have dataloads with us then it will happen automatically, and if you want to manual input inventory after that, you may.
Genre : All of the titles have been setup as a Genre for everyone that can be linked to and is in your Admin. The Genre will be UPDATED AFTER RSD to show your inventory. You may un-feature this genre if you don't wish to display the titles. After the release of inventory and passing of the street date, the Genre should ONLY display products in the genre list that actually have inventory (or a digital equivalent).
Your genre is: http://YOURSITENAME/Genre/694667 It's active in your Genre/Category list currently. Again, you may unfeature if you don't wish to display
Marketing: We have created and placed into a campaign for you, the badge, banners and kiosks signage that shows some artists and promotes the big day. It's linked to the genre page we are creating so if you would like that done differently you need to let us know. The banners are also available for email inclusion.
We have added countdown clocks to some sites, let us know if you want it and don't have it.
On Monday (that's today) we are going to create a NEWS POSTING about RSD that links to the genre page. You may create your own news article using whatever assets you have created for the day and/or link to If you have any trouble with using the website to manage your store info, your social media, or creating of events that you wish to list on please reach out to us. I know the webmaster.
This year, in order to protect the trademark of the logos, they must be requested and are not on the public page. You probably already know this, but in case not, they are here: They can not be altered and can only be used for promotional purposes.
3. The BPM Listening Station RSD and New Scrolling
The stations will also have as their default genre the Record Store Day titles for customers to browse and read about. Whenever there is a matching digital download available those titles will be previewable, but it's primarily for customers to learn more about the RSD releases through reading about them.
We think your customers will appreciate this list.
Our newest feature is the ability to "scroll" past an initial list of 50 titles so you can have 350 featured items in a single genre/category.
Finally, we have added a "Record Store Day" button to the kiosk home screen.
Examples below:
3. Broadtime Manual & Changes to the Admin - Instructional Page
We finally updated our TinyMCE editor, otherwise known as the HTML Text thingie. It is the tool that lets you format and place pictures and videos for News Postings, Custom Pages, Promo, Email and more. In addition, to being up to the latest version, it also now offers insertions of Tables (without going to Dreamweaver - Yay).
It's still being tweaked and some things are located in different places, so reach out to us if you get stuck or need assistance. Towards that end and by popular request we have created instructions for operating and updating our websites and listening stations. Feedback on improvements to this tool are appreciated.
A Broadtime Manual for managing your site and station can be found here: Broadtime Manual
4. Music Biz 2016 - Nashville
Broadtime is super excited to be attending MusicBiz in Nashville again this year. We will have our listening stations to demo the new custom interface enhancements and we will be demoing our sites as well. If you need some training or questions answered or are interested in an additional service we would love to MEET with you. Please let us know when you are available.
Best regards,
Jon Berger
& Chris Jones