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There are several really valuable things that an app can do for Stores, Bands and music customers. Let's explore them together:

1. BAR CODE SCANNING. Customers get the experience of scanning any barcode and preview both in your store and where ever they are. This keeps them branded back to you for both that feature and for purchase.

2. WELCOME TO THE STORE. Customers get a welcome PUSH message when they come into your store where you may offer coupons, or event or general information

3. STORE MARKETING & VIDEO. (see above images) Like the listening station, they take the experience of your marketing campaigns, featured titles, news, value-adds, and new releases all delivered to their phone and branded back to EACH store for that information. The app will also enable the native watching of VIDEOS.

4. PUSH MESSAGING. You are able to blast out a push message to all users about significant things that are happening at your store such as an IN-STORE or SPECIAL SALE, or even an INDIE EXCLUSIVE. Eventually, we hope to work with you to segment your users, so that you can target specific sets of customers (i.e. Jazz Reissue fans, Artists your customers follow, etc.)

5. MOBILE COMMERCE. It's true that mobile responsive websites are critical and necessary for reaching customers, though industry research suggest that the most powerful phone commerce is directly from a store app. Our first iteration will have a wishlist function for digital downloads (that they retrieve from the website) and then shortly after that we will add checkout for physical fulfillment, all the way through to AEC just like our sites. M-Commerce is now greater than 30% of e-commerce and growing rapidly.

6. CUSTOMER LOYALTY. Just like an email newsletter, every customer that you convince to download your app, primarily for the bar code lookup function, becomes a new person that you may tastefully reach out to regarding sales, events and store programs. With each download you create a more loyal customer that is much more likely to shop with you. 

Our ANDROID version of our BPM STORE APP is now in LIVE in THE GOOGLE PLAY STORE and we expect to be widely rolling it out to stores. 

In the meantime, please download and play with the PLAN 9 App, our first one.

Plan 9 App

Visit the Apple APP Store or the Google Play Store

to download our new Down In The Valley APP

and place our in-store listening experience in your pocket!

Click Here To Download Our App
Click Here To Download Our App - COMING SOON Click Here To Download Our App - COMING SOON

Click Above to Download Our App (from Apple) or Google Play

And experience the following features:

 Scan and Preview Any Product or Featured Release

• Purchase Direct from the APP (Coming Soon)

• Receive Notifications of In Store Events and Special Offer

Down In The Valley App

Visit the Apple APP Store or the Google Play Store

to download our new Down In The Valley APP

and place our in-store listening experience in your pocket!

Click Here To Download Our App

Click Here To Download Our App   Click Here To Download Our App

Click Above to Download Our App (from Apple) or Google Play

And experience the following features:

 Scan and Preview Any Product or Featured Release

• Purchase Direct from the APP (Coming Soon)

• Receive Notifications of In Store Events and Special Offers