Happy February Everyone. It's time to update everyone on the latest Broadtime happenings, so here is a quick note for you.
In this Note:
1. Latest BPM Station developments
- New Stand
- Headphone holder
2. Discounted additional units campaign $$$
3. Superbowl Houston
4. Tuneportals reminder, a MANUAL for usage
5. Broadtime YEAR OF THE APPS
1. Latest BPM Station developments
So at Broadtime we keep looking for ways to improve and provide even more effective tools for retailers to engage with their customers. Some of those improvements include a new freestanding version of our station AND a brand new headphone clip. The clip can mount to the new stand or to our existing wall/desk mount fixtures (which are super flexible). It's a VESA standard so it works in all configurations.
We will begin including the headphone attachment on all new units. We will offer existing customers the ability to purchase them.
Here are some pictures:
2. Discounted Additional Units campaign
BPM Listening Station
Startup - minus additional $100
Monthly - minus additional $25
We know from talking with our customers (you) that some stores would love to have more BPM Listening Stations to accommodate customer demand and increase coverage. While we already discount additional units normally, between now and Record Store Day we are going to offer an additional $100 off startup costs and $50 (extra $25) off the monthly fee add-on units.
This is an aggressive offer and only good between now and Record Store Day, please take advantage of it before the big day. Reach out for details.
3. Superbowl Houston
Broadtime was asked by the Houston Visitors bureau to provide a listening station solution for their Media Lounge for the big Superbowl this month. (I really thought ATL was going to make it happen.) We were excited to provide our stations and work with their local music community to showcase Houston artists both nationally known and truly local and unsigned bands. The person coordinating turned out to be a friend of our customer Cactus Music which is how we got the referral (Thanks Quinn!).
If you would like to see the custom interface we created for it, hit me up via email and I will send you a link. We are super happy to be involved in the project and it opens up many new possibilities for us. If you have a radio station, festival or other event happening in your community, please consider how our stations could be utilized to enhance you and the music presence.
4. Broadtime Manual & Changes to the Admin - Instructional Page
By popular request we have created instructions for operating and updating our websites and listening stations. Feedback on improvements to this tool are appreciated.
A Broadtime Manual for managing your site and station can be found here: Broadtime Manual
5. Broadtime YEAR OF THE APPS
It's no secret that we have been working hard to create a branded customer experience for our stores in the world of phone apps. While our listening station is delivered in app form, when it comes to creating the ideal app and relationship with your customers there are lot of things to do and build. We have been working on the concept for over year now and we are very close to wide scale roll out (starting with existing customers).
There are several really valuable things that an app can do for your store and your customers.
Let's explore them together:
1. BAR CODE SCANNING. Customers get the experience of scanning any barcode and preview both in your store and where ever they are. This keeps them branded to you for both that record look up and for purchasing.
2. WELCOME TO THE STORE. Customers get a welcome PUSH message when they come into your store where you may offer coupons, or event or general information
3. YOUR STORE MARKETING. Like the listening station, they take the experience of your marketing campaigns, your featured titles, news, value-adds, and new releases all delivered to their phone and branded back to YOUR store for that information. The app will also enable the native watching of VIDEOS.
4. PUSH MESSAGING. You are able to blast out a push message to all users about significant things that are happening at your store such as an IN-STORE or SPECIAL SALE, or even an INDIE EXCLUSIVE. Eventually, we hope to work with you to segment your users, so that you can target specific sets of customers (i.e. Jazz Reissue fans, Artists your customers follow, etc.)
5. MOBILE COMMERCE. It's true that mobile responsive websites are critical and necessary for your customers, though industry research suggest that the most powerful phone commerce is directly from a store app. Our first iteration will have a wishlist function for digital downloads (that they retrieve from your website) and then shortly after that we will add checkout for physical fulfillment, all the way through to AEC just like our sites. M-Commerce is now greater than 30% of e-commerce and growing rapidly.
Our ANDROID version of our BPM STORE APP is now in beta testing and we expect to be widely rolling it out to stores before Record Store Day. PLEASE LET US KNOW OF YOUR INTEREST so that we may prioritize customer delivery. You must at least have a listening station to get started.
In the meantime, please download and play with the PLAN 9 App, our first one.
Visit the Apple APP Store to download our new Plan 9 APP
and place our in-store listening experience in your pocket!
Jon Berger