*** DISCLAIMER*** This video has an error! At GiftUp's Getting Started step 5 (5:08),

the video says you input the checkout code in two places in Tuneportals. THIS IS WRONG!

See step 7 below for the correct instructions (highlighted in red). Make sure you follow

the steps in the specified order. 


Below is a step by step guide to integrating GiftUp with your website. 

1. Click the link to get started.

This will take you to GiftUp's signup page, where you can input an email and set up your name and password, pictured below.

2. Once you're set up, you'll see the below page. Click on Getting Started in the top left, or scroll down and select Continue your set up....


3. This will take you to a page where you'll see your required launch steps

4. Select add your business details, and you'll see the page below. Add the relevant info, then click Update business settings at the bottom to continue. 

5. Navigate back to the getting started page on the top left, and you should see 2/5 now checked off. Next, click on items to sell

and it will take you to this page. You can add some prefixed gift card amounts (shown below for $20, $50, and $100) and/or choose

to leave it up to the customers with the toggle Custom Value Gift Cards switch. 

Click Add item for sale to add a new prefixed gift card, then enter the relevant info on the page you'll see below. 

6. Now, if you navigate back to the Getting started page, you should see 3/5 steps checked off. 

Next, you need to set up a payment gateway account. Click Payment Gateway Account, and it'll take you to this page. 

Here, Stripe is already connected, but we'll walk you through how to go about that process. 

Select Stripe from the options along the bottom, and you'll see this page. 

Click Connect Stripe, and you'll see the following page. You'll need to get your publishable and secret API keys from Stripe. 

For a shortcut, click Open Stripe Dashboard, or open a new tab and log in to your Stripe account. 

Once you reach you dashboard, navigate to Developer --> API Keys (pictured below). Copy the live and

secret keys from under Standard Keysthen paste back into the appropriate boxes in GiftUp

(as seen above), and click Connect Stripe

***7. Now that GiftUp's primary getting started steps are completed, we can start to integrate it with your website.

Go to settings, then scroll down and click on View Gift Up Integrations.

Next, scroll all the way down again until you see GiftUp! Rest API and click on Get an API key

Now, click Create a new API Key, and enter any title. 

This will generate an API Key for you, so once you see this, go ahead and select it and copy it to your clipboard. 

8. Now, go to the Tuneportals AdminHome for your site, and go to Site Settings, under Global Items

Expand the E-commerce drop down, and you should see the following page. 

Scroll until you see the box at the bottom labeled Gift Up! API Key (last box in the above screenshot).

Go ahead and paste your API Key here, then click Submit Changes at the bottom.

Don't worry if GiftUp doesn't check off this final step yet in your Getting Started page. Should look 

something like below:


*** this is the wrong code, use the code from step 7 here.

Doing this enables the Giftcard Checkout Page? check box feature in your custom page edit features. 

9. Next, go back to your Getting Started Page in GiftUp, and click Get the checkout code in the fifth step. 

You'll see the following page, which is also GiftUp's settings menu. Make sure Embed in your website is

selected (it should be automatically), and then click All other websites at the bottom of the page. 

That will take you to the page pictured below. Go ahead and click Copy to Clipboard to copy your

Checkout Installation Code

Now, we need to input this code into a custom page. Back in Tuneportals, navigate to Custom Pages,

then click New Custom Page. Uncheck Show side content of the site, and check Giftcard Checkout

Page?. Add a title, then under Content click Toggle TinyMCE. Paste the Checkout Installation Code here

and click Submit

Checking the Giftcard Checkout Page? box creates a linkable custom page on your actual URL, at This also enables the gift card option at checkout. If you can find these 

on your website, it shows you were successful in your integration of GiftUp. You can see how to check

this in the next step. 

10. You should be all set up! To check if your GiftUp integration was successful, go to your website. 

Log out of admin and put a random item in your cart, then click checkout, and checkout without registering,

as guest. Input whatever shipping info etc. you want to go through the pages. If you're successful, while

you're checking out you'll see the HAVE A GIFT CARD? option appear under TOTALS on the right

in the screenshot below. 

Alternatively, once you complete the new custom page, if you navigate back to your custom pages home 

in Tuneportals and click View on the new page you created, if you were successful you should see the following

page, with a URL of

If you can find both of these on your website, then congratulations! You've successfully integrated GiftUp

with your store website. Hopefully this guide was helpful, if you need more help, reach out to us at