Broadtime TunePortals Training



3. ORDER PROCESSING - AEC  (with video tutorial)


Here are some of the Key Features you will most likely be using day to day in TUNEPORTALS for your Website and BPM Kiosks.

Below is the ADMIN HOME Page which you would access by going to the URL https://[your store name]

You can view your BPM Kiosk online by going to the URL http://[your store name] (Please note this is a better experience in Firefox)

We have highlighted where you will access some of the Key Features.












1. CHARTS (back to top)

Charts basically function as a list for your website, for whatever purpose.

We create New_Releases charts for you each week, which you can edit, or

you can create your own of any type at any time. 

To populate your own charts, let us know to enable

it so that it ignores our own charts.

Chart Edit provides control for the important features.

2. GENRES (back to top)


Below are some of the default genres. We can populate these for you, but if you'd like, you can edit them yourself. You can also create your own genres, such as Staff Picks or individual lists such as Jim's Jams. 

To populate your own genres, let us know to enable it so that it ignores ours.

Genre Edit

3. NEWS (back to top)

We create a News Item each week for the new releases.
You also have full control, with the ability to create your own items,
reorder items, and hide any items you no longer wish to feature. 

New News Item

4. EVENTS (back to top)

Depending on which type of event you are creating you will need to select either Events - Concerts (for local events such as concerts you are helping to promote), Events - In Store (for In Store Events such as showcases) or Events - Broadcast (for promoting TV or Radio events etc.).

Once you have selected the appropriate type of event you wish to create you will be presented with a list of current events such as the example below:


Each of the events you have created will be listed showing their basic details such as Name, Date and Venue etc. (a).  If you wish to edit the event you can select Edit (b). To preview how the event will look on your site, select Preview (c). To remove an event select Delete (d) - NOTE each event will auto expire and remove themselves from your site after the day of the event. To view events which have already heppened select Switch To Events Which Have Already Past (e).

To add a new event, select Create a New Event (f) which will give you the following page:

Events - Add Event

Here you can add the details for your event. Starting with the Event Name (a), this is the name which will be displayed in your event calendar.

Next is the area where you can add a Description (b) of your event. You can also toggle TinyMCE (c) to give you the HTML code where you can add videos or any other images.

Below the Description, you can add further details of the event. Venue (d) is a drop-down list where you can select a venue where the event will happen. If the venue is not listed here, select a different venue (which you can update later) and then complete the rest of the event steps. Once the event is created you can add a new venue by selecting Venues (e) from the side menu. Instructions on how to create a new venue can be found below.

Next you can select the Date (f) and Start Time (g) of the event (if you are unsure of the start time you can select the Start Time Unknown check box (h)).  You can enter the Ticket Price (i) and Door Price (j) for the event (if the Door Price is the same you can leave it blank).

If you wish to have a note appear next to the event in the calendar (such as "Sold Out") you can use the drop down menu on Alert Message (k) and you can select custom message from the drop down and then write what you would wish to appear in Alert Message Custom (l).

Other options include Show Type (m), Event Type (n) (which is auto selected depending on which concert type you chose but can be changed), Buy Tickets URL (o), where you can add the URL where tickets can be purchased.

To associate an artist with the event enter the Artist ID (p) which will have the event appear on the artist page and place a green tag on any of the artists items in charts and genres etc.

Once all the information has been entered for the event select Update (q).  You can always edit any event information by selecting Edit from the event listings as explained above. 

If you want to link to the event (through a news item or a banner etc) you can link to the Event ID (r) eg http://[your store name].com/Event/[ID number] or just using the relative link eg /Event/[ID number]


If you have created a new event but need to add a new Venue, select Venues from the side menu which will give you the following Screen:


Here you will see a list of the venues you have created (a).  You can edit the venues by selecting Edit (b) or remove a Venue by selecting Delete (c).

To create a new Venue, select New Venue (d) which will provide the following page:

Venues - New

Here you can enter the Name of the Venue (a) and then as much information as you would like for the venue  (It is not all required, but the more info you provide will produce a better experience for your customers.)

Once you have entered the information for the venue you can select Update (b)

If you have already created an event which is to be held at this new venue you can go back to your list of events and select Edit for the appropriate event and then update the venue which should now appear in the drop down list.

5. AD CAMPAIGNS (back to top)

The key to running adverts is utilizing the Ad Campaigns.  Here you will see a list of the campaigns currently running on your BPM Kiosks.  You can see each of the ones we have added for example Tom Petty.  These campaigns will appear automatically as we create them but if you wish to opt out of any of these campaigns (for example you will not be carrying this release) you can tick the Unfeature Box (b) and select submit at the bottom of the page. This will remove all of the adverts associated with this campaign from your system although the titles will continue to keep any added features we have given them such as video.

Ad Campaigns Page

You will note that we have also created an '[your store name] Permanent Campaign' (a) this is the campaign you would use should you wish to create your own adverts.

6. ADVERTISMENTS (back to top)

Here you will see a list of the adverts which are currently live (Note that unless the adverts are associated with a live featured campaign they will not appear on your BPM Kiosks).  Each advert is labeled as the Artist - Album - Release Date. And each will show what type they are which will be explained further below.

Advertisments Page

To create a new advert you would select New Advertisement which will take you to the following screen.

Advertisment Edit Page

Once on the New Advertisement page, enter the following details.

Title: (a) This is how you identify the advert.  If it is for an Album then you can enter as noted above Artist - Album - Release Date or if it is for something else, for example August sale, you can simply enter August Sale.

Start Date & Expiration Date: (b) This is pretty self-explanatory, when you want the advert to start and when you wish for it to end.

Form Factor: (c) This is where you choose which type of advert you are creating, Banner, Badge or Animated Kiosk Screen.  The dimensions and further instructions on how to create these can be found HERE.

Add to Ad Campaign: (d) This is where you choose which campaign you would like the advert to be associated to.  The easiest one for you to choose would be the [your store name] Permanent Campaign.

Goes to URL: (e) This is where you choose where you would like the advert to link to once it has been touched on the BPM Kiosk.  For example if the advert is for a CD album then you can enter the Item ID as shown in the image above.  If you would like to link to a news item then it would be /News/*news id* or you can link to a Genre /Genre/*genre id*. Essentially you can link to any page of the BPM Kiosk by using the last part of the URL which is found at the top of any admin page.  (Just ensure to not use the word Admin).  If the advert has no specific page it would be associated with then you can leave this field blank and the advert will not link to anything or you could put it as /Home if it is just a general Store advert.

New Photo: (f) This is where you select the advert you have created and upload.  Again further instructions on what advert sizes to use are HERE.

7. PROMOTIONS (back to top)

This is where you will see a list of Value Adds which are currently seen on the BPM Kiosk.  We add in Value Adds we are aware of through Record Store Day but you may wish to remove some of these if you are not carrying them or if you no longer have any in stock. To do this check the box next to the Promo (b) and ensure Archive Selected (c) is highlighted and then select Update List.

Promos Page

To add your own Value Adds, select New Promo (a) which will take you to the following page.

Promo Edit Page

Here you will see in the example how this page is completed.

Title: (a) This is how you would identify the promotion.

Promo Expiration Date: (b) This is when you would like the promo to be automatically removed from the BPM Kiosks. We usually let them run for a month.  Note that the promo starts as soon as you enter it on the site.

On Kiosk?:  (c) Tick this box to ensure that the promo is shown on the BPM Kiosk.

Short / Full Description:  (d) This is where you enter a description of what the promo is.

Items:  (e) This is where you enter the Item IDs of the items the promo is associated with so that it also appears on the item pages and has a direct link to the item from the Promo Page.  Note to also add the ID of the Deluxe, Vinyl etc. if you are also giving the promo with those formats.

Photo: (f) This is where you can upload a Photo of the promo piece.  If you do not have a photo then we would usually add a photo of the band.

8. CUSTOM PAGES (back to top)

Custom Pages can be created for any page you wish to show which is not already on the site such as a 'Contact' page or an 'About Us' Page. Custom Pages are also a great way for you design an email.

Custom Page

You can edit an existing Custom Page by selecting the Custom Page Name (b) or the Edit link (c).  To preview what the page would look like on the site you can select the View Link (d).

If you no longer wish to use the Custom Page you have created you can either delete the page by checking the Delete box (e) and selecting Submit (f) or if you wish to Archive the page you can check the Make Inactive box (g) and select Submit (f).  NOTE: Archiving is most likely the best option as it will remove the page from the site but you will still have the page for reference which you can always reinstate at a later date.

To add a new Custom Page you would simply click New Custom Page (a) and you will see the following page:

Custom Page Edit Page

You can choose how you wish to display the new page on the site by either checking the box Include On Side Nav (a) which will place a link on the Side Navigation of your website or you can check the Include on Global Nav box (b) which will place a link on the Top Navigation bar of your website.  If you do not wish to have the page appear on either of the navigation bars but you would like to create a link for the page to be placed in a news item for example, you can also link to the page using the Page ID which can be found in the address bar once you have created the page.

For example the address bar would show  https://[your store name] and the link you would need would be http://[your store name].com/Page/2443 taking the Page ID 2443.

You can also select the Hide From Sitemap box (c) if the page you are creating has details you would not like to be found on google etc.  For example a special promotion you have set up where you have given a secret URL to a page with secret content.

You can determine how the page looks by choosing to show Top Header, Side Content or Bottom Footer by selecting any of the check boxes for those features (d).

Enter the name of the page in the Title box (e).  Note this will appear on the site at the top of the page.

And you can enter the contents of the page using the Content box (f) in the same way as you would a News Item.  You can also insert images and embed video or any other item.

Once you have created the page just select Submit (f) and your page will be created and given a Page ID.


Throughout your website you may wish to use Images for News Items or Custom Pages etc. and in order to do this you will need to have a URL where you can host the image.  For this we have created Photo Sets.

Photo Sets

Here you will see a list of the Photo Sets you have created for your site which helps to organise them in to virtual folders (b) which can also be linked to if you wish to showcase a certain group of images such as an event or instore performance.  To create a new Photo Set select New Photo Set (a) which will take you to this page.

Photo Sets Edit

You can Title the Photo Set by entering a Name in the Photo Set Title box (a) and you can upload images using the New Photos section (b) and selecting Choose Files (c).  You will then need to locate the image you wish to upload on your computer and once selected hit Update (d). 

Once you have uploaded your image, a thumbnail will appear in the Photo Set (e) and you can Name the Image using the Caption box (f). 

If you wish to remove an image from the Photo Set you can check the Remove This Photo From The Set box (g) and then select Update (d).  Note:  This will remove the image from the Photo Set but the Image will still exist and anywhere you have linked to that image will not be affected.

To embed an image you will need to use the Photo URL (h).

Once you have the Image uploaded you can embed the image using the TinyMCE HTML Editor

10. TINYMCE HTML EDITOR (back to top)

Whenever updating a section of the website such as News Items or Custom Pages etc. you will come across the TinyMCE HTML Editor which looks like this:

Here you can type the text you wish to appear on the page and arrange using functions such as Font and Font Size (a) as well as Font Colour (b), Bold, Italic, Underline (c) and Justify (d).

You can also use this to add a Hyper Link (e), Insert an Image (f) or Embed a Video (g).

Tiny MCE

To Add A Hyper Link select the Insert/Edit Link icon (a)

Insert Link
Which will open this dialogue box:

Enter The URL in the URL box (a), then Enter what the link should look like on the site by Entering The Link Text in the Text To Display box (b) and select OK (c)

Insert Link

To Insert an Image select the Insert/Edit Image icon (a)

Insert Image

Which will open this dialogue box:

Enter The Image Source in the Source box (a), Which can be obtained from the Photo you uploaded to the Photo Sets (see above) then enter the Image Description into the Image Description Box (b).  You can edit the size of the image by entering the new pixel size into the Dimensions boxes (c). Once you have the details in, select OK (d) and your image will now appear alongside the text.

Insert Image

To Embed a Video
 select the Insert/Edit Video icon (a)

Insert Video

Which will open this dialogue box:

Select the Embed tab, Paste the embed code into the box (b) then select OK (c) and your video will now appear alongside the text.

Insert Video

11. EMAIL NEWSLETTERS (back to top)

The first step to sending an Email Newsletter is to create a List of addresses to which you wish to send.


Select Email Address Lists (a) from the side navigation and you will see the following page:

Email Lists

Here you will see a list of the Email Lists you have created (b).  To edit an existing Email List you can either select the name of the List or select Edit (c).  To create a new Email List select New Email Address List (a) and you will see the following page:

Email List Create

You can give the Email List a Title by entering it into the Title box (a).  If you want to create a general list for your weekly email to customers you can check the Sign Up When Joining Website? box (b).  This will give your customers the opportunity to sign themselves up to your list from the website.  If you want to create a list which you have complete control of, where you decide who is on the list, do not check this box.  

If you wish to manually enter addresses into the List you can add them to the HTML Users box (c).  Once you have created your Email List and entered any addresses you would like to include, select Submit (d).


Once you have your Email List created you can start to prepare your email by selecting Email Newsletter (b) from the side navigation and you will see the following page:


Here you will see a list of Emails you have created (a) and the Date they were sent (b).  You can check the History of the email which will show you which of the recipients have opened etc. by clicking History (c) and you can Preview how the email will look by selecting Preview (e).  To edit an email you can either select the Title (a) or Edit (d).

To create a New Email select New Email (h) and you will see the following page:

Email Edit

You can Title your Email by entering the Title in the Email Title (Subject) box (a).  If you have already created a Custom Page that you wish to use as the email you can enter the Page ID in the Enter Custom Page ID box (b). Note: This will override any of the features below.

If you wish to create the Email Manually you can also add extra features such as Adding in any Banner or Badge Ads (c).  The Main Section of the Email can be created in the Custom Area (d) using the same methods you would use for News and Custom Pages where you can Embed Images and Videos etc.

You can also add some extra features such as Promos (e), News Items (f), New Release Lists (g) and any other Chart (h) you have created.

You can change the order of the sections of the email by entering a Priority number in any of the Priority boxes (i).

Once you have created your email select Update (j).  You will now see that your email appears in the Email List Page:


You can preview the Email by selecting Preview (e), if you need to make any changes you can select Edit (d).  Once you are happy with the Email you can select Send (f) which will take you to the following screen:

Email Send

Here you can Confirm the Title of the Email you are sending (a) and then check the box for the Email List to which you want to send the Email (b).  Once you are ready select Submit (c) which will take you to the following Screen:

Email Confirm

This Is where you make the last checks before sending.  Double Check the Email Subject (a) and the Email List Name (b) before selecting Confirm (c).  Once you have done this your email has been sent.


One of the great features we have for Emails is the ability to See who has Opened your Emails.  To do this select History (c) which will take you to the following page:

Email History

Here You will see details of the Email Subject (a), The Email List to which you sent the email (b) and a brief rundown of how many people have opened the email.

If you select User Details (c) you will see a complete list of the Email Addresses to which the email was sent and how many times they have opened the email (d).  You will also be able to see if the email 'bounced' (e).  Note:  If the Email is shown as having bounced it is most likely due to an error in the email address so you should check the email is correct in the Email List.