[BROADTIME STORES]- Broadtime Feature Update🤟- Changes - Nov 19, 2020

Greetings, everyone. 

Hope all is well and everyone is remaining safe out there!

Also hope you all had successful RSD Drops and have been able to take a little bit of a breath before the next big event – Black Friday. 

We wanted to hit you with another update and some new features to the platform that we hope you’ll find beneficial, including AEC Enhanced Metadata, On-sale Tools and more. 

Thanks again for all you do and if we can help with anything along the way, don’t hesitate to ask. 

Stay safe! Music Matters!



In this email:

(Quick Tutorial on Canceling Orders)


(Quick Tutorial on Canceling Orders and Broadtime support) 

We have new customers and existing customers that are confused by the order processing steps particularly how to cancel orders that have been submitted to AEC for fulfillment.

We have a video tutorial on processing orders that everyone should watch. https://broadtime.com/StoreManual

In short, when a customer contacts you and wants to cancel a preorder, and you have submitted to AEC to fill THEN you need to contact Broadtime using 


so that we may login to AEC’s warehouse system and cancel the preorder for you.

You must refund via Stripe as we charge for preorders in advance and finally you must CANCEL the order in Tuneportals.

Canceling an order in Tuneportals DOES NOT CANCEL THE AEC ORDER and it will still ship if we are not contacted to cancel. 

Similarly, it does not refund via Stripe, you must do that and provide a reason. We make it easy by providing a link in the order history, right to that transaction at Stripe.

 1. AEC Enhanced Metadata 

We’re excited to implement a project we’ve wanted to accomplish for a very long time – the ingestion of enhanced metadata from AEC. 

First, for those of you who might not be aware of the term, metadata is simply the data that describes and gives information about products. 

For our purposes, the enhanced metadata from AEC includes information like album cover art, track listing and descriptions. While we’ve been able to offer metadata for most key items (covers, tracklists, etc.), the access to AEC enhanced metadata will help fill in the gaps with this content that we’re missing, particularly when it comes to older releases. 

This gives us much better coverage on not only music but movies and games in the AEC catalog, meaning if you or a customer might not have had the info about a product before, it’s much more likely that they will now. 

Net-net – this makes Broadtime a richer, better experience for customers visiting each of your sites. 

2. “ON-SALE” Tools
Named Sales, On-sale Tool, AE Deals & Store sales

Another feature we recently rolled out and are very excited about is the ability for you, the stores, to utilize our new “on-sale” tool.

Each week, we’re ingesting all deals offered by AEC and will feature some of them from time-to-time on the website. 

The coolest part is that every store can utilize this tool to customize the on-sale product to highlight what’s best for you. 

For instance, if you want to put a list of jazz titles on sale and feature them for a month on your website, we’ve built this tool for you to do that. 

To accomplish this, we’ve created a special chart that any UPC you put into it will get featured in the on-sale genre. Each individual store may input the on-sale pricing and list the product on-sale to feature it on your site. Similarly, you may feature any titles from AE Deals sale.

In order to create a Sales chart, you may create a NEW chart designate the start/end time of your sale, and change the dropdown menu in Chart type to “On Sale”. You may then create your chart normally by submitting a list of UPC’s you want to be part of the sale. Ideally, ones that you have ALSO put on sale ;-) 

3. Buy Button Enabled / Blocked Preorders

In the three major sections for featuring titles on your site, Store Featured Items, Genres, and Charts, we have added the feature to determine if the buy button is active.

When you take a look at your new release chart, front page featured items or genres you will see a column for “Buy button enabled?” with a “yes” or a “no” that tells you whether it’s available to sell or not with AEC based upon their inventory. We are further making these highlighted in pink for quick visibility. You may also sort by that column.

When AEC has no inventory BUT you do in your store and you wish to keep selling it online then you may adjust this with your own inventory to keep selling the title. For stores that give us your inventory via dataload we will take that into account.

Here is a refresher on adding inventory to your site from the Store Manual. https://broadtime.com/Page/10151

Furthermore, on Store Featured Items and the Genres where Preorders are featured, we are now displaying preorders that we have DISABLED from our consultation with AEC and labels.

Social Media

As you wish to keep selling a preorder, you may add your own inventory if you are planning on filling yourself and getting more product elsewhere. Once a preorder is blocked you should NOT submit any more of those to AEC as we can’t reliably fill those preorders.

4. Other Updates

Here are a few quick-hitter updates...

Default Search

With input from stores and coalitions, we’ve changed the default search on our websites from “any” to “vinyl.” The purpose of this change is that customers were getting too many results when searching for a product and we really wanted to focus on the physical product. Our digital items were complicating the results.

It’s important to recognize this change since if a customer is specifically looking for a CD or other product and getting zero results, that could be because the default search is now set to vinyl. 

You can still search for other products using an advanced search or there is a button under the search bar that says “any” you can check to search for other formats. 

The search results also drop you into advanced search so you see all the ways in which you may limit and specify a search.

Localized Time Stamps

We’re working to honor the time zone your store is in when reporting your order times. Previously this defaulted to Eastern Standard Time, so hopefully, those of you not on the east coast will find this update beneficial. 

Note: We still set all of our go-live times in EST and label it as such.

Updated Language – Shipping Confirmation

Based on feedback from stores, we’ve worked to make the language on the shipping confirmation page easier to understand for customers. We’re also now including a hyperlink to tracking information, not just the tracking number, making it easier for customers to check their shipment status.

Publishing Comments - Internal, External, and Customer

When customers leave a comment on their orders, we’re now carrying those comments through to both the picklist and the packing slip so that people processing the orders are more likely to see those messages from the customer. Previously, these comments were only available on the order page.

Subsequently, on each store’s pick list, we’re including internal comments that have been left on the order. We’re also including external comments left for each customer on the packing slip. 

We’ve taken these steps to make this communication more thorough and to hopefully ensure pertinent information is seen by the right individuals. 

5. Upcoming Features

We’re constantly working on new features and updates to existing ones  (thanks to your feedback!)

The highest-priority update we’re working to get out soon is the listing of lifestyle products from AEC. We know as the holidays approach, there will be demand for items like turntables, Funkos and other items that AEC offers beyond just albums. We’re excited to expand those offerings through our site, which we hope will bring great benefit and added sales to each of your sites. 

More to come very soon! 


Jon and the Broadtime Team

Broadtime Manual + New Features


Our customers often forget that we have a manual for how to do some common tasks with our products. We have added some BRAND NEW content for ORDER PROCESSING now with VIDEO WALKTHROUGH TUTORIALS. 
Our newest sections are the Importing Inventory and Asset Specs.
You may explore solutions at your convenience using the manual. Remember we are here for you for support at any time!
Please email any suggestions you have to continue to improve the Manual.

Cart Updates AND NEW FEATURES we shared in our Previous  EMAILS…