BPM Tablet Software Setup & Troubleshooting
Ipad Initial Setup (back to top)
1. Power on the unit with the power button.
2. Hit the HOME BUTTON twice to open to the default icon screen. Select Settings.
3. Select the WiFi Setting near the top left of the screen and select the internet Network that will be used by the devices.
(Optional. You may test the Wifi by launching Safari and going to Google.com)
(click images for larger view)
4. Once you are sure that the internet is connected, you may launch the BPM Kiosk App, by clicking on it once.
This should launch into the interface.
Locking Down The Interface (back to top)
(So user cannot break out of the listening exerience)
Your HOME button is exposed so we need to prevent users from exiting the app when pressing it.
5. You may lock the unit down one of two ways. Your choice.
Choice A. Put the app in guided access by pushing the home button 3 times (one - two - three)
You may have to get the timing just right.
You will then be asked to enter a passcode for Guided Access (remember it and share it with us). This can be set in the settings as well.
To get it back out of guided access you hit the home button three times again and enter the passcode.
Choice B. Put the app in Supervised Mode. This is done by us, with a setting we enter remotely. It's likely the strongest lockdown.
You may text, email or call us and let us know you are ready, and we can lock them into Supervision. (see below)
This means that you you cannot exit the app no matter what without opening the app settings (see below) and clicking Exit or
you may also call us to disable Supervision (and then the home button will escape the app as normal)
Note: Please exit Supervision before final disconnect from the internet so they may receive the "un" supervise command
Accessing the App Settings (back to top)
(To break out of Supervision or to check settings)
Touch Two Fingers to the lower left of the screen and enter the code 1209
(click images for larger view)
Troubleshooting Tips (back to top)
1. WiFi Signal
The Number 1 issue that customers encounter is a loss of their wifi signal. This results in no network being present. The unit will work for a short while with cached items but eventually it you will find yourself on THE BROADTIME SCREEN which is the loading screen. When it loses it's connection, the unit is stuck on this screen.
(Note. You may test the Wifi by launching Safari and going to Google.com and of course checking the settings, it's possible to be connected to your wifi and your wifi router itself could have lost internet connection)
2. Kiosk App Frozen
If the Kiosk is stuck on the Broadtime loading Screen, it has mostly likely LOST the LOGIN due to intermittent internet. This happens occassionally and you will need to open settings to LOGOUT fully and then LOG BACK IN.
If the app is stuck on the above screen you will need to use the two-finger method to open the BPM App Settings as describedabove..
You will need to "push up" on the settings screen when you are logged in to see your login ID. You then need to logout and then log back in with your user and password.
If you don't know your password, contact support@broadtime.com and request it be reset.
If you have an internet connection, this will most always fix your problem.
Occasionally, you will need to reboot your kiosk.
To reboot the ipad kiosk press and hold the power button of the iPad until you see the "Slide to Power Off" image. Once you see this swipe right and this will turn off the iPad.
You will then need to power the iPad back on by pressing the power button.
This should resolve the issue.
3. Kiosk is losing power even when plugged in.
If the Kiosk is losing power and not holding a charge, the first step is to ensure that the charging cable is securely in place. You will also need to ensure that you are not using a USB extension cable as this may not be able to carry the correct amount of power the iPad needs in order to stay charged.
If all cables are correct, the next step is to ensure that the brightness level is set at around 80%. To do this you will need to swipe down from the top right corner which will provide you with the settings screen below. It is good practice to ensure that the brightness is set to this level even if you are not currently having issues with charging as it will help to maintain the life of the battery.
CELL VOICE OR TEXT: 804 301-5870
PHONE: 888-582-3229
EMAIL: support@broadtime.com