CIMS - Special Pricing & Proposal
Broadtime is pleased to provide this following proposal and pricing for our BPM APP designed specifically for RECORD STORES to the entire CIMS group. Our proposal is to add the BPM Mobile App to the family of services we currently provide. We would love for CIMS members to be our customers and partner with us through feedback on ways to constantly improve and develop new CIMS programs and marketing tools.
We now have the Android version of our app finished so that we may offer your customers essentially two apps, one for iOS and one for Android with the same functionality. There are several really valuable things that an app can do for your store and your customers. Let's explore them together: 1. BAR CODE SCANNING. Customers get the experience of scanning any barcode, giving the ability to preview both in your store or where ever they are. This keeps them branded to you for both that record look up and for purchasing. 2. WELCOME TO THE STORE. Customers receive a welcome PUSH message when they come into your store where you may offer coupons, event info or general information 3. YOUR STORE MARKETING. Like the listening station, they take the experience of your marketing campaigns, your featured titles, news, value-adds, and new releases all delivered to their phone and branded back to YOUR store for that information. The app will also enable the native watching of VIDEOS. 4. PUSH MESSAGING. You are able to blast out a push message to all users about significant things that are happening at your store such as an IN-STORE or SPECIAL SALE, or even an INDIE EXCLUSIVE. Eventually, we hope to work with you to segment your users, so that you can target specific sets of customers (i.e. Jazz Reissue fans, Artists your customers follow, etc.) 5. MOBILE COMMERCE. It's true that mobile responsive websites are critical and necessary for your customers, though industry research suggest that the most powerful phone commerce is directly from a store app. Our first iteration will have a wishlist function for digital downloads (that they retrieve from your website) and then shortly after that we will add checkout for physical fulfillment, all the way through to AEC just like our sites. M-Commerce is now greater than 30% of e-commerce and growing rapidly. 6. CUSTOMER LOYALTY. Just like an email newsletter, every customer that you convince to download your app, primarily for the bar code lookup function, becomes a new person that you may tastefully reach out to regarding sales, events and store programs. With each download you create a more loyal customer that is much more likely to shop with you. We are going to work on collateral materials to help you promote the app in your store. This usually starts with digital tools (signage and banners) and then some physical ones, tent cards, business card bag stuffers and/or posters that can be made.
BROADTIME MOBILE APP - KEY INFORMATION. Bundling with BPM Listening Station. One of the requirements for obtaining the Broadtime app is to ALSO have at least one listening station. The reasons for this are twofold. One: the app is designed to work in conjunction with the BPM Listing station using the Bluetooth beacon functionality that greets your customers who have the app when they come inside or are nearby the store. The second reason is business specific as we don't intend for the app to replace the listening station experience as not all of your customers will be convinced to download the app and the kiosk will serve to advertise the features of the app to grow your customer base. We will consider this requirement in evaluating having a quorum of CIMS customers. Licensing & Websites. One of the things about having an app that is licensed to work in the app store and licensed for song samples is we have to walk a fine line to satisfy everyone. For that reason, digital purchases on the app are enabled via an "Add to Wishlist" function that can then be redeemed at your website. If you do not have a website with Broatime already then we will provide you a link to a "digital only" store that you may link to from your current site. Of course, this is much smoother and more integrated when you have a Broadtime website.
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Website & Email Hosting BPM Listening Station BPM APP |
* BPM Listening Station required ____________________________________________________ LEVEL 2 - CIMS QUORUM* THRESHOLD CUSTOMER DISCOUNT PRICING *(at least 75% of Membership)
* BPM Listening Station NOT required but still recommended ____________________________________________________ LEVEL 3 - CIMS FULL COALITION CUSTOMER DISCOUNT PRICING *(100% of Membership)
* BPM Listening Station NOT required but still recommended